Abbiamo ricevuto dalla Federazione europea dei giornalisti (Efj) il seguente messaggio di solidarietà per la nostra battaglia in favore dei contratti di lavoro Fieg e Aran:
Support of EFJ Labour Rights Expert Group to Strikes in Italian Media The Labour Rights Expert Group of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today discussed the situation of the negotiations of collective agreement in Italy, which are blocked because of the refusal of the organisation of newspaper publishers FIEG to open any talks. Talking to a group of representatives of trade unions of journalists, the President of the Italian trade union of journalists FNSI, Franco Siddi, commented the position of the publishers as a “blind and stubborn behaviour which has neither political nor legal excuses to refuse to negotiate”. The expert group reminded that the defence of national collective agreements is a right for journalists as well as for other workers of the industry, especially in sector with such a social, cultural and political value as media. The EFJ reminds that collective agreements are threatened in several European countries, either by employers refusing to negotiate or by companies which bypass agreements and hire “atypical” workers. Strikes are going to take place on 5 and 6 October in daily newspapers, 6 and 7 October in all media and 24 and 25 October in broadcast media. Estimados compañeros Franco Siddi y Paolo Serventi, reciban ustedes y la Federación Nacionale de la Stampa Italiana, nuestra más fraterna solidaridad en su lucha contra los Editores Italianos que se niegan a negociar un nuevo contrato laboral. La libertad de expresión, de prensa, la independencia periodistica y la calidad de nuestro trabajo, no es posible cumplirla a cabalidad hacia nuestros pueblos, si predomina la pobreza, el destrato y la desregulación laboral. Reciban ustedes nuestro reconocimiento fraterno de todos los periodistas y trabajadors de los medios de comunicación de America Latina y el Caribe. Manuel Méndez Presidente de la Fepalc. Nostro Saludo e solidaritá con Giornalista e lota. Rodolfo Omar Gianfelici - PrensaMare Cittá di Santa Fe Repubblica Argentina